Beneath The Suit

Production Company
Mass Studios
Utku Banci
Utku Banci
Casting Director(s): 
Utku Banci, Owen Saunders
Union Status
Project Type
Online / Web Series
Student Production
Compensation Details


Audition Date(s)
24th-25th October,2024
Audition Location
Shoot / Performance Date(s)
4th-5th-7th-8th and 9th of November
Shoot / Performance Location(s)
Vancouver, BC
Submission Deadline
Friday, October 25, 2024
Submission Instructions

Please send us your headshots and demoreel to and

Project Synopsis
In a fast-paced corporate world, Isabella, a beautiful new hire in her 30s, navigates her feelings for her boss, Oliver, a charming but arrogant CEO. As she fantasizes about a romance with him, Isabella tries to suppress her emotions, but they only intensify as she works closely with him on a critical project. Her colleague and confidant, Victoria, becomes aware of Isabella's crush, playfully teasing her while also attempting to set her up with another coworker, Edward. Despite Victoria's matchmaking efforts, Isabella remains drawn to Oliver, especially as she watches him interact with Stella, a confident and ambitious new project manager. Rumors fly around the office, fueled by gossip from their nosy accountant, Blake, who hints at a possible romance between Oliver and Stella. Isabella’s insecurities grow as she compares herself to Stella, feeling inadequate. The pressure mounts as Oliver becomes increasingly demanding about the project, showing signs of stress and frustration. Isabella is determined to prove herself, even as her feelings for Oliver continue to complicate her focus. With the support of Victoria and Edward, she works tirelessly to deliver the project on time, all while grappling with her unspoken love for the CEO. As the project nears completion, tensions rise between the team. Isabella begins to question whether Oliver’s cold demeanor hides deeper feelings for her—or if her love for him is destined to remain a secret fantasy. Meanwhile, Victoria's own flirtations with Edward start to take an unexpected turn, adding a layer of romantic confusion to the office dynamics. In this light-hearted workplace romance, Isabella must decide whether to pursue her forbidden feelings for Oliver or move on with someone more attainable. But in the world of high-stakes business, sometimes love blooms where you least expect it.
Additional Information & Safety Protocols: 

The script includes scenes that sexualize the characters, with moments where actresses will be required to show certain body parts, including the buttocks, on camera. However, it’s important to note that in these scenes, the actors and actresses will remain clothed. These moments are integral to the portrayal of the characters and the overall narrative. We understand that this may not be suitable for everyone, and it’s important that all actors are fully aware of these requirements before proceeding.

Character 1
The young, charismatic CEO in his 30s, Oliver exudes confidence and authority. He’s attractive, driven, and often has an intense aura about him, especially when under pressure. Though highly focused on his work and the company’s success, he enjoys the admiration he receives from those around him, particularly from women like Isabella and Stella. Oliver has a professional demeanor, but his interactions with Stella are tinged with flirtation. His relationship with Isabella, however, remains strictly business, and at times, he can come off as harsh, especially when demanding results.
Character 2
Late 20s to early 30s
A beautiful and reserved woman, Isabella is a new hire at the company. Though professional, she harbors secret feelings for her boss, Oliver, which creates tension for her at work. She tends to daydream about romantic encounters but is insecure about whether someone as powerful as Oliver could ever be interested in her. Despite her self-doubt, Isabella is hardworking and tries her best to succeed, though she struggles to stay focused when Oliver is around. Her interactions are often filled with nervous energy, especially when Oliver and other attractive colleagues like Stella are present.
Character 3
Late 20s to early 30s
An outgoing and playful colleague who quickly becomes friends with Isabella. Full of youthful energy, she’s chatty, opinionated, and unafraid to speak her mind. Victoria loves gossip, matchmaking, and pushing Isabella to explore her feelings for Oliver, often teasing her about it. Despite her carefree demeanor, Victoria also hides her own frustrations with romance, often feeling unsatisfied by her suitors. She enjoys being the life of the party and tries to set Isabella up with other colleagues, though she herself seems to be seeking something more exciting in life.
Character 4
Elegant, confident, and slightly arrogant, Stella is in her 30s and serves as Oliver’s right-hand woman for an important company project. She’s professional, sharp, and knows her worth, which gives her an air of superiority. Stella is not afraid to use her charm and good looks to get what she wants, often flirting with Oliver in subtle ways. Her confidence makes her stand out, which causes jealousy in Isabella and frustration in Victoria. Stella comes across as someone who knows she’s attractive and powerful, and she doesn’t hesitate to remind others of it.
Character 5
A kind, handsome colleague in his 30s, Edward is well-meaning but somewhat oblivious to romantic tension. He has a crush on Victoria, but she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. He tries to impress her with his interests in video games and the gym, though his "nice guy" approach doesn’t ignite the excitement Victoria craves. Edward is supportive and willing to help others, especially Isabella and Victoria, when they’re working on important projects. He is easygoing, likable, and often caught in the middle of the more dramatic dynamics in the office without fully realizing it.
Additional Characters

Blake: The office’s nosy accountant, Blake, is also in his 30s and thrives on gossip. He’s always watching what’s happening around him and isn’t shy about sharing his suspicions or stirring the pot when it comes to office relationships. Though not malicious, Blake enjoys making snide comments and speculating about people’s romantic lives. His sarcastic humor adds an extra layer of tension to the office, often sparking playful (or uncomfortable) conversations. Despite his meddling, Blake is surprisingly perceptive about what’s going on between the characters, even if they’d rather keep their feelings hidden.