The Original Free Resource for the Vancouver Acting Community
Chicken Feet
Flat Rate Subject to Number of Shooting Days for Main Cast.
1 Day Shoot - $100 | 2 Day Shoot - $120
Flat Rate of $80 for Server.
Self-tapes (optional but highly encouraged) : Pick 1 of the two prompts below and record yourself sitting down for no longer than 2 minutes:
1. Your character is ordering food (Main Cast) / taking a food order (Server) at a dim sum restaurant.
2. Your character is having a hard time focusing on a story their friend is telling because there's something that's really bothering them.
Kindly send your self-tape, headshot, resume and/or reel to before midnight on Saturday, March 29th.
Please note your availability for the whole month of April.
All characters, except for Server, eat dumplings during the story. The characters of Ben and Chris eat chicken feet as well. Please take this into consideration before submitting for a role.