The Original Free Resource for the Vancouver Acting Community
Zone 15: The Last Pastor
$100 day. Plus potential back end compensation following union ULB rules.
Please email: headshot &/or demo-reel. Self tape lines will be sent out to the right applicants. Thank you for your time.
STACY (19-25) Antagonists Daughter. Slim, pale, quiet... out of place. Arms wrapped around knees, she huddles on a bench.
GRANDMOTHER-ALICE (70-95) Frail, nervous. She grips her open door, cowering in her apartment.
MARGRET-ANN (70-95) perches against a wall in tattered rags, full of poise. She sells flowers, a soft heart in the rough city.
BUREAUCRAT JAKE (any age) white shirt, black tie, smarmy demeanor. Door to door insurance salesman.
PRISONER MATT (35-55) grizzled tough guy.
PRISONER PATRICK (25-35) mild mannered.
Open to Union and non-union actors. Ultra Low Budget Union signatory. No stunts or intimate scenes. Short days for children. Will schedule shoot days around actors schedules.