The Original Free Resource for the Vancouver Acting Community
Premiere Talent Management

#206-1529 West 6th Avenue
Vancouver , BC
V6J 1R1
(604) 687-4909
Infants, Kids, Models, Principal, Voice-OverAgent(s)
Shannon Richardson
Trudy Aronson
Sarah Davis
Ally Copeland
Melanie Hawthorne-Toogood
Pamela Wise
Brenda Campbell
Aura Benwick
If you are interested in having one of Premiere’s Talent Managers represent you and your work, please follow the submission guidelines on our website. We do review all submission packages, and if your submission meets one of our Talent Manager’s portfolio requirements, we will notify you to set up an appointment.
About the Agency:
We are currently accepting submissions.
Premiere Talent Management is a Full Service Talent and Management Agency representing North America’s finest Actors in the Film, Television, Voice, Animation and Advertising industry.