The Original Free Resource for the Vancouver Acting Community
Production Company
Siddharth GaneshProducer(s)
Siddharth Ganesh, Jason Joung Director(s)
Siddharth GaneshCasting Director(s):
Siddharth Ganesh
Union Status
Non-UnionProject Type
FilmStudent Production
NoCompensation Details
This is a Volunteer Project that will be sent to Film Festivals. IMDB credit will be provided.
Audition Date(s)
May 3rd and 4thShoot / Performance Date(s)
May 16-20 approxShoot / Performance Location(s)
VancouverSubmission Deadline
Monday, April 14, 2025Submission Instructions
Please send your headshot,resume and selftape to
Project Synopsis
Tom, an 8-year-old kid, sits at the kitchen table, staring intently at a blank piece of paper, struggling to come up with something to draw. His grandmother, looking like she walked straight out of a Pixar movie, is happily cooking steak. She notices Tom's silence and asks what’s wrong. But Tom, afraid because he doesn’t know what to draw, says nothing. His stomach growls, answering for him. Grandmother gets the message—he’s just hungry. She garnishes the steak and places it on a plate in front of him. It looks delicious, almost too big for the plate. Just as she sets it down, the doorbell rings, and she leaves to answer it.
Tom, eager to eat, looks around for utensils, only to realize they’re all dirty. The thought of washing them disgusts him, and he decides to eat with his hands. Before he can, Grandmother returns with his cousin John, who is just as hungry. She wants to serve him a steak too, but there’s none left in the fridge. Her eyes land on Tom’s plate—it’s a pretty big steak for one child. Without hesitation, she cleans a plate, hands them both utensils, and takes a serrated knife to cut Tom’s steak in half. Tom watches in disbelief as his portion shrinks before his eyes. He protests, but Grandmother simply pinky-promises him that she’ll make more tomorrow before leaving them to eat while she watches TV.
Tom stares at his uneven portion, sighs, and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes, a piece is missing. He turns to John, who is chewing, while his own steak remains untouched. John just stole a bite. Tom shouts for Grandmother, but she dismisses him, reminding him of her promise. Frustrated but powerless, Tom resigns himself to eating what’s left. Just as he’s about to take a bite, John snatches his plate. Enraged, Tom grabs John’s in retaliation, causing John to burst into tears. Grandmother storms in, sees the chaos, and immediately takes John’s side. She notices the piece of steak on Tom’s fork and assumes he’s lying. Annoyed, she switches the plates back and scolds Tom, telling him he won’t be getting steak tomorrow for his misbehavior. Tom, defeated, watches John smirk as he eats.
As Tom chews, his eyes never leave John. Despite all the fuss, John hasn’t even touched his own steak. Tom takes another bite, and John watches him closely, enjoying the moment just as much as the meal. Tom reaches for his last piece when John’s hand suddenly moves to snatch it. Without thinking, Tom stabs him with his knife. John, crying in pain, retaliates, throwing his knife—it lands in Tom’s neck. Blood spills from his mouth as he collapses. Grandmother walks in to the sight of Tom slumped over and John clutching his wounded hand. When she asks what happened, John sniffles, “He stabbed me.” That’s all she needs to hear. With a sigh, she simply says, “Tom probably deserved it.” She bandages John’s hand and lets him take the last piece from Tom’s plate—since Tom won’t be eating it. Then, she returns to watching TV as Tom bleeds out in his chair. John, unfazed, finishes his stolen bite before returning to his untouched steak.